TiddlyWiki 是一个仅由单个 HTML 文件组成的非网络应用的 Wiki 程序,它仅使用 HTML 、 CSS 及 JavaScript 技术,完全不需要任何数据库(MySQL)及动态程序语言(PHP)。一般适合个人知识库等单机离线使用。
TiddlyWiki 官网简介
「TiddlyWiki v5.3.4 更新发布:https://jitang.win/tiddlywiki-v5-3-4-update-release/」按照官方说法,TiddlyWiki 是一个独特的非线性个人笔记本,可用于捕捉、组织和共享复杂信息。可以用于管理待办事项列表、写文章、创作小说、组织婚礼,甚至是创建一个网站……
下面是一些常见的 TiddlyWiki 应用场景:
- 记笔记,并使用标签和超链接形成笔记网络,便于查阅和管理
- 使用选项卡、表格、基于标签的列表和目录组织笔记内容
- 为喜欢的网站添加书签
- 通过标签组织任务和会议
- 储存资料比如食谱、图书、联系人和收藏的音乐作品
- 创建博客或网站
- 写文章、写书、写小说……
- 组织图片形成画廊
- 与他人共享 Wiki 内容
- 绘制草图
- 使用 web 用户界面元素
- 创建幻灯片演示文稿
- 创建本地或在线知识库
TiddlyWiki v5.3.4 更新
「TiddlyWiki v5.3.4 更新发布:https://jitang.win/tiddlywiki-v5-3-4-update-release/」Tour Plugin 导览插件
added several new features that together allow interactive learning tours to be created and presented in TiddlyWiki. 用于创建和展示互动学习导览
The demo TiddlyWiki interactive tour can be seen at https://tiddlywiki.com/tour(示例)
The new features include:
The new Tour Plugin itself
The new Confetti Plugin that allows animated bursts of confetti to be displayed
Improvements to the Dynannotate Plugin to add the ability to highlight screen elements using an animated spotlight effect
Geospatial Plugin 地理空间插件
added new Geospatial Plugin that adds new primitives to the TiddlyWiki platform to enable non-developers to build sophisticated interactive geospatial applications.
The Geospatial Plugin incorporates a number of third party libraries and online services:
Leaflet.js, an open source library to display interactive maps
Turf.js, an open source library to perform geospatial calculations with GeoJSON objects
TravelTime, a commercial API for geocoding, routing and isochrones
Flickr, a free API for retrieving geotagged photographs
OpenLocationCode, Google's open source library for converting to and from Open Location Codes (also known as PlusCodes)
Try it out at https://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/geospatial/
$testcase Widget
added new $testcase widget that is intended to solve a problem with the examples that we feature in the documentation. The existing macros are workable for simple, self-contained examples, but can be hard to follow in cases where the examples use additional tiddlers.
This release also includes improvements to the following translations:
「TiddlyWiki v5.3.4 更新发布:https://jitang.win/tiddlywiki-v5-3-4-update-release/」Chinese
Bug 修复
fixed nested functions not resolving variables created in filter runs
fixed nested Block Quotes in WikiText
fixed TiddlyWikiClassic build process
fixed LinkWidget not refreshing when the to attribute changes
fixed parsing bug with empty procedures/macros
fixed functions to use variables set by filter runs
fixed edit widget not refreshing when the editor type changes
fixed editor preview width
fixed WidgetMessage: tm-http-request not returning data in the event of an error
fixed WidgetMessage: tm-http-request incorrectly interpreting 2XX status codes
fixed processing of path separators in tiddlywiki.files files on Windows
fixed incorrect state reference in advanced search
fixed clipping of popups in preview pane
fixed JavaScript error when attempting to export missing tiddlers to a CSV file
fixed imported procedures defaulting to \whitespace trim
fixed crash with cycle Operator if the the step size is larger than the number of operands
fixed proper DOCTYPE for the open window template
fixed theme font size settings to open in new window CSS
fixed backlink parser to prevent it parsing binary tiddlers
fixed issue where default parameters were not applied when a ParametersWidget did not find a parent TranscludeWidget
fixed crash when using splitregexp Operator with a regular expression that includes capture groups
fixed ActionLogWidget evaluating all variables in scope
Node.js Improvements
fixed usage of "Cache-Control" header
fixed SaveCommand not overwriting files when required
fixed server header authentication when header is missing
fixed ButtonWidget should refresh when "tooltip" attribute changes
Developer Improvements
fixed issue with fakedom TW_Node inheritence
fixed SJCL library creating variables in global scope
fixed widget.getVariableInfo() to always return a params property
「TiddlyWiki v5.3.4 更新发布:https://jitang.win/tiddlywiki-v5-3-4-update-release/」本文已于 2024-08-22 修改更新,您的宝贵建议请在文章下方评论区留言反馈,谢谢。