
WordPress 6.5.5 维护版本已发布

WordPress 是一个使用 PHP 和 MySQL 的开源免费博客程序,全球有大约 43% 网站(约 7000 万)使用 WordPress 架设。本站也是使用 WordPress 搭建,Proudly Powered By WordPress 。

「WordPress 6.5.5 维护版本已发布:https://jitang.win/wordpress-6-5-5-release」

WordPress 6.5.5 维护版本已于 6.24 发布,主要是 3 个安全更新修复,建议升级。下个版本 WordPress 6.6 将于 2024-07-16 发布。

This release features three security fixes. Because this is a security release, it is recommended that you update your sites immediately. This minor release also includes 3 bug fixes in Core.

WordPress 6.5.5 is a short-cycle release. The next major release will be version 6.6 which is scheduled for July 16, 2024.

3 个安全更新内容如下:

A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability affecting the HTML API reported by Dennis Snell of the WordPress Core Team, along with Alex Concha and Grzegorz (Greg) Ziółkowski of the WordPress security team.

「WordPress 6.5.5 维护版本已发布:https://jitang.win/wordpress-6-5-5-release」

A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability affecting the Template Part block reported independently by Rafie Muhammad of Patchstack and during a third party security audit.

A path traversal issue affecting sites hosted on Windows reported independently by Rafie M & Edouard L of Patchstack, David Fifield, x89, apple502j, and mishre.


「WordPress 6.5.5 维护版本已发布:https://jitang.win/wordpress-6-5-5-release」

sha1 校验信息:49b76b2b475658b95f022fa5bec6518a5053f9ee

「WordPress 6.5.5 维护版本已发布:https://jitang.win/wordpress-6-5-5-release」